We have many opportunities for spiritual growth here at Sacred Heart Parish and we hope you will join us in seeking the Lord! We encourage you to grow in faith and seek God in as many ways as possible. Below are several great opportunities to strengthen your faith life. Please join us, or contact the parish office for more information!


Spiritual Growth Opportunities

  • Liturgy of the Hours: prayed Sunday-Friday at 7:45am in church
    Start your morning in prayer and be filled with the Holy Spirit for the rest of the day!
  • Chaplet of Divine Mercy: prayed Monday-Friday at 3:15pm in church and on Saturdays at 3:00pm
    Take a few minutes out of your day to come and pray; it is a special time to connect with God.
  • Reconciliation: 30 minutes before weekday Masses, Saturdays from 3:00-3:45pm, the first Monday of every month from 7:00-8:00pm, or anytime by appointment with our parish priest
    Reconciliation helps us, as sinners, obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God. The sacrament of Reconciliation "washes us clean," and renews us in Christ.
  • Healing Rosary: prayed each Monday morning at 9:00am in church
    Join us in praying the rosary - among the 15 promises of Mary granted to those who recite the rosary is that those who do shall be aided by Mary in their necessities.
  • Morning Study Group: Tuesday mornings at 9:15am in the narthex
    Join us for coffee and prayer on Tuesday mornings after 8:30 Mass and deepen your faith with a book study or video series. All are welcome.
  • Men’s Group: Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the narthex
    Our Thursday evening men's group meets each week to build up and support men of the parish or surrounding community. All men are welcome. Each week they watch a short faith-focused video, followed by a discussion about the video. They also share prayer intentions and pray the rosary together. 
  • Eucharistic Adoration: first Monday of every month from  9:00am-8:00pm in church
    This is a great opportunity for private prayer and reflection in the presence of Jesus.
  • Young Women’s Group: third Saturday of each month from 7:30-9:00am in the narthex
    Our young women's group is geared toward young women aged 20s-40s. They share prayer together and have a book study or discussion about the busyness and challenges during this stage of life.
  • Millions of Monicas: third Monday of each month from 6:00-7:00pm in church
    We invite all mothers to come pray with our Millions of Monicas group. Millions of Monicas is a nationwide effort that includes groups of mothers who unite together in prayer for their children.  Many mothers have children who are struggling to embrace their Catholic faith or have left the church entirely.  Like St. Monica, these mothers pray for their children’s joyful return to the church.  Our Sacred Heart group will meet monthly, uniting our hearts and prayers, and encountering Christ as we grow in holiness and humility while praying for our children. All mothers are invited! For details about the nationwide efforts, visit https://millionsofmonicas.com/
  • Rosary Making: second Saturday of each month from 9:00-10:30am in the narthex
    This group learns how to make rosaries and then can make them while at the meeting as well as at home. The rosaries are sent to Our Lady's Rosary Makers in Kentucky to be sent to the missions. Come join us and help spread devotion to Our Lady's Rosary. It's fun and easy to do and there are great spiritual rewards for propagating the holy rosary.
  • Seven Sisters Apostolate: prayer each week
    The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a worldwide apostolate with a mission to have all priests prayed for every day of the year. Our Sacred Heart Seven Sisters group has been praying for our pastor since 2018. Every Seven Sister prays one hour a week in church. Each member of the group has a designated day in which they pray but can choose whatever hour of that day works for them. The commitment is for one year and they renew each year on the feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They do have a few substitutes to cover when needed to make sure our pastor is prayed for every day of the year. Come join the group and help prayerfully support our pastor in his great responsibility for helping souls get to Heaven.
  • Pilgrimage Bus Trips: offered annually, dates and destinations TBA
  • Weekday Masses: Monday-Thursday at 8:30am
  • Weekend Masses: Saturday at 4:00pm and Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am, with a 7:00pm Spanish Mass
    All 8:30am Masses are live-streamed on our YouTube page HERE.


For a list of additional spiritual growth opportunities and events, please see our calendar.