We pride ourselves on the quality Christ-centered education we provide to all of our students. Our positive learning environment and supportive staff are here to engage and encourage each student to do his / her best.

  • All subjects are taught from a Christian perspective, and the presence of Christ is felt throughout our school. Family is upheld as the number one institution of society.
  • Daily religious instruction for K-8, focusing on Christianity, and the teachings of the Catholic Faith
  • Comprehensive language arts program including Spanish is administered at every grade level
  • Rigorous math program taught with the comprehensive Saxon model at all grade levels
  • Discipline maintained in the classroom, on the playground, and in all extra-curricular activities
  • Physical Education instruction for grades K-8, plus 30-45 minutes of daily recess on our large campus playground
  • Fine arts programs with direct art instruction and an annual Art Fair, music education including band for grades 5-8, and a whole school Christmas Pageant
  • Technology integrated into PreK-8 daily lessons with a 1:1 ratio of iPads for first grade and 1:1 ratio of Chromebooks for grades 2-8 
  • Students PreK-8 have several opportunities throughout each week to make selections from our extensive library collection
  • Mentor program with seventh and eighth grade students mentoring our kindergarten and first grade students, joining them at mass, reading stories together, making projects together, and becoming buddies for years to come
  • Extra-curricular activities (some beginning as early as 5th grade) including basketball, volleyball, baseball, golf, track, cross country, cheerleading, scholar bowl, and student council



As part of a special assignment, two of our students put together this fun video capturing some of the wonderful things about Sacred Heart School!