As part of a Christian way of life, service projects are highly encouraged throughout the year. Sharing our blessings, volunteering our time, and offering our talents or treasures to help others truly is a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our junior high has a service program in place where students have a certain amount of service hours they complete. The students volunteer for their community, their church, and their family.

During Advent, each class chooses a service project for a local charity or organization. They collect needed items and/or donations and then deliver them just in time for Christmas. Some of the charities include the local Crisis Nursery, Catholic Charities, the Human Society, Ballard Nature Center, local seminarians, and local nursing homes.

Service projects are also completed during special times throughout the year such as Catholic Schools Week. Parents and students are encouraged to volunteer at all the various school events and fundraisers as well. This includes our annual summer Picnic, PTA Breakfast, Soup Suppers, Fish Fries, St. Pat's Bash, and much more! Working together is a great way to build relationships and share Christ’s love with those in our community and our church/school family.